@State Aug-Sep 2018 - AS Pres Chris Thomas
A.S. Welcomes Students to Get Involved This Academic Year

Hello and welcome home!
You are part of an extended - and growing - SDSU family whose members are continuously making positive changes for individuals and communities on campus and around the world.
It may seem overwhelming right now because of the many different opportunities that will be presented to you this year, and SDSU may feel like a big school, but remember that you have an SDSU family that is ready to help you succeed.
When I reflect on coming to SDSU, I remember I was not entirely sure how and if I could get involved beyond my classes. But I soon began attending an Associated Students meeting regularly, became a member of a fraternity and got involved with Rotaract of SDSU. I realized early that SDSU - whether through academics and research, student organizations, Associated Students government or recreation - has opportunities for every student to create their own unique SDSU story.
If you have not done so already, I encourage you to start exploring how you will leave your mark. Associated Students helps support more than 400 student clubs and organizations by providing meeting spaces and funding for various events, offers on-campus employment and provides recreation and student leadership opportunities. SDSU's Division of Student Affairs organizes programs that connect students to the university and to each other, including New Student and Family Convocation, Welcome Week and One SDSU programming. Also, through our Aztec Mentor Program, Career Services will pair you with a professional in your prospective career field and helps build meaningful personal and professional relationships. This is just a snippet of what SDSU has to offer!
I am here for you. Please contact me at as.president@sdsu.edu with any questions or concerns. I look forward to seeing you on campus!
Christopher A. Thomas
President of Associated Students, SDSU