Aug/Sept 2013 - International Photo Contest
International Photo Contest at Family Weekend
Have you studied or volunteered abroad?

If so, now is the time to begin thinking about that perfect photograph to enter in the seventh annual SDSU International Photo Contest taking place during Family Weekend on Sept. 20 and 21.
This year's International Photo Contest theme is "Modernity Meets Tradition."
We invite you to submit a photo from your study abroad experiences that embodies this theme. Ideas include images of cultural artifacts or activities such as ceremonies, festivals, or local customs that reflect a connection between past and present.
All photo entries must be accompanied by a narrative of no more than 50 words that explains how your photo connects to the contest theme. The narrative must also explain why the particular artifact or custom highlighted in the photo holds meaning for you.
A panel of judges from across the university will evaluate photo submissions and select those that best exemplify this year's contest theme. Prizes totaling more than $500 will be awarded.
Photo submissions are due Friday, Sept. 6 at 4 pm. Visit the contest website to read about the contest details, find submission guidelines, or view last year’s winning entries.
For more information, please contact Karey Sabol at (619) 594-2200 or [email protected].