March 2013 - Student Research Symposium
SDSU 2013 Student Research Symposium

The 6th annual SDSU Student Research Symposium (SRS) will be held in Love Library on March 8 and 9.
The SRS provides a public forum for SDSU students to present their research, scholarship or creative activities. Presentations are organized by academic disciplines with divisions for undergraduate, masters and doctoral students.

Ten Presidential Awards of $500 each will be made to recognize outstanding achievement in original scholarship. These students will go on to represent SDSU at the CSU Student Research Competition in May.
Other awards will also be presented.
Visit the Student Research Symposium website for complete details.
The SRS is made possible through the generous support of the Aztec Parents Fund, President's Leadership Fund, the SDSU Honors Council, Division of Undergraduate Studies, Graduate and Research Affairs, Office of the Provost, Academic Deans, SDSU Research Foundation, University Advancement, Associated Students, and Aztec Shops.