IVC Federal Partners in AgroSecurity Career Panel

You are invited to attend a career panel discussion Nov. 15 at SDSU's Imperial Valley Campus:

Federal Partners in AgroSecurity | U.S.-México Border: Protecting America's Agricultural Resources

Open to All Majors & All Class Levels

Purpose: To inform regional students and interested faculty/staff about the qualification requirements on how to become a:

  • DHS U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP): Agriculture Division Ag Specialist - USDA-APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) Officer
  • USDA-FSIS Office of International Affairs (OIA), Import Surveillance Liaison Officer (ISLO)
  • USDA-FSIS Office of Program Evaluation, Enforcement and Review (OPEER): Compliance and Investigation Division (CID) / Compliance Officer

Sponsored by the USDA-HSI National Program and SDSU-Imperial Valley Campus Partnership and co-sponsored by the Associated Student Council (ASC) of SDSU-IVCampus.

Career Panel Discussion Federal Partners in Agrosecurity US Mexico Border Protecting America's Cultural Resources November 15, 2012