Nov. 2012 - Help for Homeless
You Can Help San Diego's Homeless

From now through December 10, The Honors Council of SDSU is hosting the "Alpha Project Drive for the Homeless."
The Alpha Project is a non-profit organization that serves over 2,000 homeless men and women in San Diego every day. Last year, the Honors Council collected over 1,000 items for the homeless.
This year, the goal is to exceed last year’s number and collect at least 2,000 items.
Help Contribute to the Alpha Project Drive for the Homeless!
Items sought include:
- Canned food items
- Toothbrushes
- Blankets
- Toothpaste
- Socks
- Teddy bears
For the last two years, the kind support of SDSU students to the drive has greatly contributed to its success. So many student organizations became aware of this event, allowing the homeless men and women of San Diego to benefit from these donations.
The drive continues through December 10. Please bring items to the Administration Building, Room 201.
For more information, visit