@state Nov. 2015 Featured Scholarships

Featured Scholarship – International Study Abroad Scholarship

It’s fall and scholarship season is underway. Whether you’re an undeclared freshman, or a graduate anthropology student, there are some amazing opportunities to earn money for school through the SDSU Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Check out @State each month—and the SDSU’s Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships online database—for the latest scholarship opportunities for SDSU students! It’s free, it’s easy, and it’s online!

International Study Abroad Scholarship

  • Award: Up to $400
  • Must participate in a study abroad program or international program outside the U.S. during the summer of 2016 prior to graduation
  • February 12, 2016 application deadline

Scholarship details:
To qualify, applicants must

  • Have a minimum 2.00 overall cumulative GPA
  • Be an enrolled SDSU undergraduate or graduate student
  • Submit an essay of no more than 500 words describing what your study abroad program or international program will be and how it will enhance your education and advance your long-term goals. Please provide the following information first, followed by the text of your essay:
    • Name of study abroad program or international program
    • Name of professor leading program (if applicable)
    • Destination
    • Dates of travel
    • Which SDSU campus you attend (San Diego or IVC)