Oct. 2012 - Students Rock the Vote

Students Rock the Vote

Associated Students to host events through Election Day.

Rock the vote

From the presidential election to California’s Prop. 30, the votes cast on Nov. 6 will have wide-ranging ramifications. To highlight the importance of this year’s Election Day, Associated Students of SDSU will host a variety of Rock the Vote events on campus in addition to registering voters.

Register now

To register as a voter or to update voter registration, visit the Associated Students-sponsored Rock the Vote voter registration page. The deadline to register to vote in California is Oct. 22.

Rock the Vote events

Rock the Vote events are free and open to the public, and include:

  • Noon, Oct. 31, Hepner Hall — Student issues debate featuring Aztecs for Obama, Aztec Debate Team and College Republicans
  • Noon, Nov. 1, Hepner Hall — Student rally featuring student organizations and performers that will focus on budget cuts, the tax initiative and the importance of voting
  • Nov. 5 — Pre-Election Day celebration featuring a musical performance (more details will be available via the A.S. Facebook and @as_sdsu on Twitter)
  • 7 a.m. – 8 p.m., Nov. 6, PPG Alumni Center — Election Day poll site at the Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center

Additionally, KPBS-TV, a service of San Diego State University, will air a San Diego mayoral debate featuring candidates Carl DeMaio and Bob Filner at 7 p.m., Oct. 1.

About Associated Students

Associated Students is an independent, student-directed, non-profit corporation that is one of the largest student governance organizations in the California State University system. As an affiliate of San Diego State University, the programs and facilities A.S. manages are enjoyed by students, faculty, staff and the San Diego community.

Visit as.sdsu.edu for more information about A.S. services and programs.