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SDSU News in Brief

Looking for National Scholarships and Fellowships?

students in graduation cap and gown

Interested in national scholarships and fellowships? Sign up for the SDSU National Scholarships & Fellowships List Serve to receive regular updates on various scholarship and fellowships. Compiled by the SDSU Division of Undergraduate Studies, these opportunities apply to students in all grade levels and majors in the areas of leadership, service, undergraduate research, study abroad and graduate study programs. Learning about these programs now can help better prepare you for future applications! Register on the List Serve website.

October is DiversAbility Awareness Month

diversability awareness month

It’s time to celebrate diverse abilities in the SDSU community! Student Disability Services is working to raise awareness of people of varying abilities through events planned for the month of October. Students can help kickoff the month by experiencing what it’s like to live with a hearing, learning or visual disability through simulations set up along Centennial Walkway on October 1. SDSU alum Jeremy Poincenot, diagnosed in his sophomore year with a genetic disorder that rendered him legally blind, returns to campus on October 9 to speak to students in Montezuma Hall. Poincenot shares his story of success as a National B-2 Blind Golf Champion! Check out more DiversAbility Awareness events on Student Disability Services’ website.

Help Kickoff Aztecs Rock Hunger and ECRT

aztecs rock hunger 2015 October 22 - November 15

All it takes is one – one moment to change someone’s life, one moment to make a difference. Help combat hunger in the San Diego community by donating to Aztecs Rock Hunger starting October 22. On the evening of the food drive’s kickoff, attend a special student panel about food insecurity and homelessness beginning at 6:30 pm in Templo Mayor in the Aztec Student Union. The panel is being co-sponsored by the Economic Crisis Response Team, or ECRT, an initiative started to support students facing food or housing insecurity. Take action and donate to Aztecs Rock Hunger on the Associated Students website or at any Aztec Market or SDSU Dining Services location. Ten percent of the cash proceeds raised during this year’s Aztecs Rock Hunger will be donated will help support your fellow Aztecs via ECRT.

Need Health Insurance?

covered california

Open enrollment for the 2016 health care marketplace begins November 1. Throughout the month of October, the SDSU Health Promotion department and San Diegans for Healthcare Coverage (SDHCC) will host on campus information sessions to better explain your health care options and how open enrollment works. Learn about the Affordable Care Act, how it affects you as a student, and other programs for which you might be eligible. Join Health Promotion in Calpulli Center Conference Room 3, on the third floor, on one of the following dates and times:

  • October 20 at 5 pm
  • October 13 at 3 pm
  • October 27 at 3 pm
  • October 6 at 5 pm

International Photo Contest Winners!

royal guard ceremony

Congratulations to Jerry Cheng winner of the International Photo Contest! His photo was chosen as the winning photo that best exemplified the theme: "Experience Energy." All of the photos in the contest were submitted by students who took the images during their study abroad adventures. All of the winning photos, including the Peoples Choice winner, will be displayed during Family Weekend on October 2 and 3. Visit the Division of Undergraduate Studies International Photo Contest website to see all the winners.

National Coming Out Week is Coming Soon

national coming out week October 12-16

Support the LGBTQ community right here at SDSU! Join in National Coming Out Week activities October 12-16, and contribute your own experiences to help share the story of the SDSU LGBTQ community through “OUTside In,” The Pride Center’s Creative Workshop series. Student stories collected will be shared as part of an original performance by “Circle Circle dot dot,” a local theatre group, in November. All SDSU students are welcome at the workshops, which take place in Student Life and Leadership.

Visit The Pride Center's website for more infomation on all the National Coming Out Week activities.

Fight The Flu—It’s Up To You!

sign: welcome to calpulli center, student health services

Did you know getting a flu vaccine every year is the most effective way to prevent influenza? It’s that simple. Student Health Services has vaccines available that help protect against the four most common viral strains in circulation this year. The vaccines are available to currently enrolled SDSU students, faculty and staff for $20. What a deal! Schedule your visit through the HealtheConnection website or call 619-594-4325 for an appointment and fight the flu! For more information about staying healthy, visit the Student Health Services website.

construction sign: SDSU Students Wanted

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