@state Dec 2017 - The Student Ombudsman: Your Campus Resource
The Student Ombudsman: Your Campus Resource

Serving as a mediator for disputes between students and others on campus, the Office of the Student Ombudsman is an arbiter for conflict resolution. Reach out if you need support.
Whether San Diego State University students are dealing with registration and grade appeals or disputes with other students or employees, they can seek the support of the Office of the Student Ombudsman.
Julie Logan, SDSU’s newly named Student Ombudsman, and her team are central to mitigating conflict on campus and helping students address their grievances.
“The Student Ombudsman is a resource for all students. We’re kind of a central area where students can come if they have concerns or issues and they don’t know where to go,” said Logan, whose office is located in Room 1105 of the Student Services East building.
“I want to be proactive in this position. I’m one person in a small office but I have a whole campus to cover,” Logan said. “I want to be able to let [students] know I’m here for them and that if they have concerns or issues I can’t resolve, I can get them to where they want to go.”
The role of the student ombudsman ensures that the arbitration process in a dispute is followed according to the University’s rules, with Logan mitigating disputes by guiding students to the proper channels until their issue is resolved.
Logan shared an example for a typical process:
- A student has concerns involving a grade
- The student should first talk to their faculty member.
- If the issue isn’t resolved, the issue moves to the department chair.
- If the department chair is supportive of the grade that the faculty member gave and doesn’t choose to move the issue forward, then it goes to the assistant dean.
- If the issue has yet to be resolved at that point, it can be taken to the Office of the Student Ombudsman, and students must file a formal grievance.
- Involved faculty are then informed of the situation and the student can choose to file a formal grievance if they don’t have recourse from those aforementioned areas.
“I don’t want students to be afraid to come in and talk to me,” Logan said. “Just come to the door if you’ve got any concerns. I want students to know that there’s a place on campus that can help them head in whatever direction they need to go and help them get the answers they’re trying to obtain.”
Julie Logan is a double alumnus of SDSU, having earned a Master of Arts in Education with a specialization in Postsecondary Education and an emphasis in Student Affairs. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. Today, she is a seasoned higher education professional with more than 30 years of experience in student affairs. Prior to her appointment as student ombudsman in September, Logan spent 22 years as a judicial officer with SDSU’s Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities.